Wednesday, June 8, 2011


6th Grade

The things I liked about sixth grade is that you get to try new stuff and you also get  great teachers. The lunch is awsome because you get to go to high school for lunch. I learned about Mexico, Central america,South america,and much more.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Acrostic Poems

Staring down at us
Through the night
Always there
Right up in the sky
Like a heavenly light burning
Inside you
Guiding you
Home when all
The other ways fail.
- - - - - Bridgette K.
C reamy or
H ot, it makes my mouth scream
O n and on
C hocolate, chocolate
O h, yum
L uscious chocolate, I can't believe I
A te it all. It
T ickles my throat
E ach time I eat it, mmm oh I love chocolate.
- - - - - Rebecca S.
After an extensive winter
Pretty tulips
Rise from the once
Icyground bringing fresh signs of
- - - - - Ashley A.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Man tries to to abduct child

Man tries to abduct child : source
Summery:  A man attempted to  abduct a child on Sunday night while kids where running it and he asked  one of the kids to get in to his red van. The man left when the kids dad confronted him. The man is Hispanic in his 20-30.

Opinion: I think what he did was wrong because well it's agenst the law and he could have harmed the kids. They where lucky that the dad was there.  

Monday, April 11, 2011

Esperanzas spring break

If Esperanza went to our school I think she would have a good spring break and I think she would go back to Mexico to see her  friends.Then she would come back on Wensday and go outside to play with her friends in america. On Thursday she went swimming and then sat around all day. On Friday she sa t at home and read all day. On Saturday and Sunday Esperanza played with her friends.

My spring break was really different from Esperansas because I went to my grandmas for the week end.On Monday and Tueday I was still at my grandmas and I went to my cusins birthday party at Airway lanes.On Wensday I went to a museume with my cusins.On Thursday we went to Chucky chesses to play.On Friday we went to Craiges Crusers.On Saturday I spent the night at a friends house and on Sunday I sat at home all day.

Thursday, March 10, 2011


I wonder if were going to see any weapns in the Egyption exibet at the feild museum.I wonder if I will be facinated by the Egyption exibet. I wonder what kinds of dinasours  Iwill see.

 At shedd I wonder what animals will be there.I wonder if they will be cool.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Death on court

Wes Leonard made the winning shot and died because of his enlarged heart witch caused him to go into cardiac arrest. yesterday hundereds of people went to pay their repects to him. The team will still play in the district tournament.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


I think Ms. Tubergan will say that I am doing good.But I think that she will also say that I am hyper and that I blurt out alot. I think that the other teachers will say the same thing about me. I think I'm doing good in school thought.I think I might have good grades.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

How Valentines Day was started

How Valentines Day was started

Many years ago there was a man and a woman.
One day the woman killed a badger and went back to her husband.
The badgers told the husband to turn over his wife or they would kill people.
So he turned his wife in and she was killed.
The badgers where so surprised that they set aside one day a year to have a feast with humans and they called it Valentines Day.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Lion,Witch,and the Wardrobe Assinment

Dear Edmund Son of Adam,
            I have given my life to save yours. I did this so you may live as long as possible. I did this so you can spend time with your brother and sisters. I did this so you can fight the enemy. I did this so you could sit on one of the thrones at Cair Paravel. I did this so we could beat our enemies.          
I did this so we could defeat the White Witch. I did it so there will be peace. I gave my life to win.       

Thursday, January 13, 2011

My game plans

Last years game plan went good. This year I am gonna try to do better at not being disruptive in class. I will try to monitor myself by thinking before I say something. I will evaluate myself by seeing how much I disrupted the class.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Then and Now

Noah bigley

Then and Now

I used to be small
But now I am tall
I used to be in fifth grade
But now I am in sixth grade
I used to be ten
But now I eleven
I used to be louder
But now I am quieter
I used to be dumb
But now I am smart
I used to be cool
But now I am awesome       

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Institute

   One day five years ago a man was sleeping when he heard a scratching sound. Then all of a sudden a ghost came out and flung him across the room. The ghost  came at him with a chair  and he kicked the chair out of it's hands.Then he ran out of the room and down stairs. He flung the door open and ran to his neighbors house.
       He told the neighbors that he was attacked by a ghost. They didn't belive him and told him to go away. He was walking down the street and noticed an institute and he went to the institute. He didn't see anyone there so he signed himself in and went to a room. When he got to his room he sat down on the bed and looked around.
   Then all of a sudden he hears someone say "hi". He looked down and saw a chihuahua looking at him then it said "dinner time , dinner time". the dog then opened it's mouth so wide it coulde eat a whole elephant. the man screamed just as the chihuahua ate him whole.